
About Our Ministry

We are striving to reach teens for Christ through equipping students, youth leaders and pastors with a Biblical strategy for youth ministry.

Our Story

Amber and I met in Bible college and were married before embarking on a life in local church youth ministry. 17 years and 4 children later our family has started a new chapter in our ministry. During our time in youth ministry we realized the desperate need for youth pastors to have support beyond yearly training conferences. Through personal experience we know that youth pastors need not just training but mentoring.

A mentor is someone who knows you and your life. Someone that you can call with questions about ministry, family, life, or just to talk. I learned about mentoring through Global Youth Ministry and this relationship is what led me to partner with GYM as a Global Youth Mentor to rural America. 

In 2019, on a mission trip to South Dakota, God opened our eyes to the needs of teens in the small towns of rural America. We found churches with devoted pastors that are bivocational but lack the time and resources to develop thriving youth ministries. Our desire is to come alongside them and help them reach the teens in their communities.

What We Do

Our ministry specializes in helping local churches build thriving youth ministries through training in biblical principles for student growth and consulting on how to implement those principles in your church and community.

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