Birthday Month - September
Kasen is a doer and a problem solver. He loves the, hiking, and camping. He enjoys videology. He is a talented musician who plays the keyboard in our youth band.
Birthday Month - July
Olivia loves to play soccer and hang out with her friends. She is very good at seeing needs and jumping in to help without being asked. She loves to bake and is such a big help.
Birthday Month - November
Ella is bubbly, outgoing, and Miss Personality. She loves to spend time with people and loves to laugh. She loves to cook and bake and often makes up her own creative, delicious recipes.
Birthday Month - June
Avenlee is so tenderhearted. She loves to help and feels deeply when others are hurting. She is our list maker and LOVES to organize. She absolutely enjoys cooking and baking and has the cutest laugh.